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Quote open THIS is our destiny. Quote close
— Liz to Pickles
Liz Bane
Background information
Known Aliases
Liz Blackfin
Liz Deatheyes

Liz as a radical of the 70's

Liz Bane is Pickles' P.R person who was a religious radical from the 1970s. She is credited with starting dozens of cults. Her biggest cult was the Order of the Dybbuks, who believed they would achieve immortality by taking over the bodies of French people. In 1973, 28 Dybbuks walked into a crowded Parisian café on the Champs Elyées, pulled out ceremonial daggers, and massacred a hundred French citizens. Somehow Miss Bane was cleared of all charges, she then went on to start a public-relations firm, called the Exodus P.R. Firm.


She starts her latest cult by making Pickles the biggest celebrity on the planet by having him appear everywhere in the media, and gains thousands of followers who she tortures and brainwashes. She then plans for a concert the night that Nile's Comet nears Earth, where the most devoted followers will drink poisoned grapeade, and Dethklok put on a special platform that would have the comet kill them. She would then escape with her followers' possessions.

In a meeting with Pickles, she hands him a $5 Hot Topic gift card, presumably the same one given to The Blues Devil (in "Bluesklok"). This leads to the possibility the Blues Devil was the one who got Liz cleared of all charges in the "1973 Order of the Dybbuks massacre" and was the one who leads her to Pickles & Dethklok, possibly as payback for cheating him.

Her plan fails. The Dethklok space publicity tablet deflects the comet-- causing it to explode into many pieces. One of the pieces destroys her car, supposedly killing her. (It is hinted that Mr. Selatcia was involved in this, as his face is superimposed on the screen briefly as the comet impacts the tablet).

Despite being dead, she also appears in the crowd in the Season 3 episode "Dethsiduals" on American Super Talent Havers.
